Friday, March 22, 2013

7. March. 2013

Well I am five weeks post-op from the AV fistula surgery.  A few things that I have noted since the surgery on the 28 January, 2013; the surgery site is healing well, the thrill or what I have named "Buzz" is very busy and is a new sensation that may take sometime to get used to, (at the fistula site it actually buzzes when I say buzz it actually on the inside and outside buzzes to the touch, I can also hear and feel my heartbeat.) I apply vitamin E everyday and wash with an organic soap when showering.  Sleeping and laying down remains difficult as I really can't lay on the left side or put pressure on the left shoulder. I am lifting about 4 pounds with that arm now, but can feel a slight pull. If I roll over and sleep on that arm, the next day it feels almost bruised and quite fatigued.  I have increased the ball  and a soup can exercise resulting with an increase of strength and circulation with the left hand. In addition worked on some simple small motor arts & crafts projects which stimulates the muscles and circulatory system. 

Later in the month I meet with the surgeon to see the final heal and if I am good to go for LDL Apheresis treatment in April.

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