Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wanted to include the drawing that the surgeon made on my fistula arm for the apheresis procedure, prior to it washing off! First scheduled apt. is April 11, 2013...

Scheduled for a fistulagram for the potential narrowing of my new fistula.  Hubby and I scheduled and re-scheduled daily work and activities required for the day and recovery time. Arrived at the hospital were I began the usual prep procedures for surgery.  This is never an easy time for me as my veins for IV use are now only on one arm, where veins are quite small and usually requires several techs to successfully hit that spot. 

As I was wheeled into the operating room, I couldn't ignore my "gut thoughts," so I requested to speak with the surgeon prior to twilight sedation.  My concern focused on the fact that I hadn't had an exam or ultra sound, prior to this procedure being scheduled. The reality was that the information gathered was submitted from the apheresis nurse, who briefly checked my site during a pre-visit that I had requested and that was the reason I was on the operating table.  

Luckily I went with my "gut thought" and spoke to the Dr. who in turn kindly replied well "let's run an ultra sound-hmmm looks pretty good to me." After a brief phone consult with my primary surgeon, I was wheeled out of the operating room, and released. 

Later that afternoon I had an appointment with the primary surgeon to discuss the fistula site; reviewed the ultra sound, discussed the maturation needed for the apheresis treatment, and fistula in general.  Although I am learning as I go about the AV fistula and LDL apheresis treatment, I can truly note that as a patient having the education and information up front prior to procedures could have saved all of us a lot of time and emotional expense.

Today, I woke with a skip in my step and a soft joy of body.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Apheresis treatment visit

Yesterday, my husband and I visited the hospital that I will have the LDL Apheresis treatment.  They scheduled us while a patient was having the procedure, so we were able to view and ask questions.  I really appreciated the time and sharing that the patient and nurse took, after all it's not everyday that you can meet with someone prior to beginning a medical treatment as extensive as this one.  

I had so many thoughts and questions prior to this appointment and of course in my menopausal moment left the written questions at home.  Regardless, after viewing the machine and patient they all came flooding back.  The focus of my questions were related to the actual machine and mechanics of the devise and the physical attributes prior, during and after the bi-monthly treatments. What I was left with was an overall reassured sense that the professionals monitor you during the entire procedure, yes you lose an afternoon and evening twice a month BUT look what you may gain-additional years to your life, less drugs and HOPE.  Priceless!

7. March. 2013

Well I am five weeks post-op from the AV fistula surgery.  A few things that I have noted since the surgery on the 28 January, 2013; the surgery site is healing well, the thrill or what I have named "Buzz" is very busy and is a new sensation that may take sometime to get used to, (at the fistula site it actually buzzes when I say buzz it actually on the inside and outside buzzes to the touch, I can also hear and feel my heartbeat.) I apply vitamin E everyday and wash with an organic soap when showering.  Sleeping and laying down remains difficult as I really can't lay on the left side or put pressure on the left shoulder. I am lifting about 4 pounds with that arm now, but can feel a slight pull. If I roll over and sleep on that arm, the next day it feels almost bruised and quite fatigued.  I have increased the ball  and a soup can exercise resulting with an increase of strength and circulation with the left hand. In addition worked on some simple small motor arts & crafts projects which stimulates the muscles and circulatory system. 

Later in the month I meet with the surgeon to see the final heal and if I am good to go for LDL Apheresis treatment in April.