Thursday, January 31, 2013


Welcome to my blog

I hope to keep posts current as I begin the treatment for Familial hypercholesterolemia a genetic condition that I have been recently diagnosed with.  Although my heart disease has spanned over several decades and actual heart events over the past five years this begins a new chapter a new beginning.

January 28, 2013 I underwent Arteriovenous Fistula surgery for the LDL Apheresis treatment that will follow in a few months taking us here in Wisconsin into early spring a time for new beginnings.  The fistula surgery itself lasted 48 minutes and was performed as an out- patient procedure. My left arm was selected as I am right arm dominate. The incision is a few inches on either side of the elbow (inside area). This is now the site where a vein and artery have been joined to form my new "port" for the LDL Apheresis machine. I also learned prior to the operation that I can never have blood pressure or a blood draw taken from that left arm as the volume of pressure could blow the new "port".  Three days later I went for the post-op and final analysis of the procedure.

 January 31, 2013,  I went for post op and found that the procedure worked as I now have a buz and girgle sound at the fistula site-I can feel this and the surgeon had me listen to the site as I could hear the heart beat and sounds something like a girgle and a sensation.  Three more days of bandages and a preview of a few strengthening exercises for the veins and I was on my way.

Anyone out there candidates or experiencing LDL Apheresis treatment?